Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Gluten Free diet & Celiac disease (CD)

 Gluten Free diet & Celiac disease (CD) 

Imagine that your immune system attack your own tissue after eating specific type  of food contain specific type of protein . Body stop absorb the Nutrients in the  Bloodstream properly and patient become Anaemic (Haemoglobin Deficiency)  along with delayed growth and weight loss. 

composite protein it’s combination of glutenin and  

Gluten is high molecular weight seeds storage  

prolamins which by the way makes gluten in wheat  

able to form dough . can commonly found in grass  

related grain (wheat-barley-rye) . because nourish  

seeds during flowering and germination theses seeds  

can storage proteins and reproduction of species  

successful . 

Celiac disease: 

Is an auto-immune condition most commonly associated  

with human serotype HLA (DQ2 95% - DQ8 5%). 

Symptoms of coeliac disease 

Eating foods that contain gluten can will initiate a  

range of gut symptoms, such as: 

diarrhoea, which may smell particularly unpleasant 

stomach aches 

bloating and farting (flatulence) 



Source of gluten free food: 

Meat - Fish - Fruit - vegetables - Rice - Potatoes - Lentils . 

Source of gluten free Drinks: 

Fruit - flavored water - fizzy drink - cider - wine - sherry - spirit - port

Gluten free diet benefit: 

It’s only treatment for Patient with celiac disease these type genetically predisposed individuals if ingested gluten as this will made villous atrophy  with clinical symptoms because T-Cell-mediated immune reaction (it’s really  critical for these patient for well being condition) 

There is no obvious reason for people who not affected with celiac disease  but just placebo effect for non-celiac gluten sensitivity ,even when they are  not affected by gluten and other like people likely to those diet as it reach  with vitamins and minerals to meet demand of expanded market place 


1. https://ayurhealthcare.com.au/ayurvedic-treatments-for-coeliac-disease/

2.https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnme/2019/2438934/fbclid=IwAR1fy143BGp G2_Kksgq6UJT_-8nB6c09f 2tKLCvRnpC93OzW_Fcu2Tnew&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=HDW_MRKT_GBL_SUB_ADWO_PAI_DYNA_JOUR_X&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpLBhDQARIsAO0a6aJDz19omB Vu0ROk_si7GI78WXSxPidcciubv8_hqV92XsRezN3ikEaAofbEALw_wcB

3. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coeliac-disease/

By: Abd El-Rahman Fareed


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